Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year 2013

Celebration is such an important aspect of life.  Since time immemorial we humans have come together to give thanks for the abundance that surrounds us.

Perhaps it was easier for  men and women of earlier times, who were so connected to nature, to celebrate and be grateful for the simple everyday joys of existence.  We, in our relentless pursuit of success and material wellbeing, are less mindful of the virtue of celebration of the ordinary.

However, the great festivals of our calendars give us reason to rejoice and remember how blessed we are.  At the turning point of the year celebration is an opportunity once again to be thankful for what has been good about the year, and to be mindful of our intentions for the year to come.

This NewYear may well turn out to be a landmark one for us all.  We are moving through an era of great change.  All over the world a revolution is taking place, a shift in consciousness - one which we can welcome and celebrate.  We can be filled with hope as we look towards the future- hope that a more enlightened era lies ahead.

So let's celebrate this New Year and resolve to be the change we want to see in the world.  Let's try to be kinder to one another, and to play our part in creating a world that is more co-operative, more peaceful, more just, and more sustainable for everyone.

A happy New Year to All!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Eileen. And a happy new year to you! Just found the card you gave me just before you left the Green Hotel in Mysore ;)
