The Xmas cards are written and posted, the presents bought (but not yet wrapped) and the house is decorated and ready to welcome family and friends.
Time to reflect on the year that's almost over and to wonder about the new one ahead. There is a reason for the season!
At the heart of winter we have the coming of the light.
This Winter Solstice is a special one. 21.12.2012 sees not just the ending of one great cycle of the Mayan Calendar, but also the completion of an even bigger astronomical cycle, the Precession of the Equinoxes. The sun now converges with the exact centre-line of the Milky Way - the Galactic Alignment. Big stuff!
What might these complex cycles signify? Certainly not the end of the world as some have chosen to believe. That has more to do with their own fear than anything else. However, we certainly seem to be living through challenging times, and maybe the various apocalyptic prophecies are best regarded as wake-up calls.
A dramatic change in the way we live seems vital, whether we are talking about the violence within our society, inequality and injustice or climate change. All around us the old structures seem to be disintegrating and the institutions are no longer respected. Above all we face a crisis of consciousness. We are at a cosmic tipping point where a significant minority of people who have long been calling for the need to change becomes a critical mass. Our civilization is not about to break down, but instead to break through to a new level of consciousness. It's time for transformation on a galactic scale!
There is much we can all do - we are not powerless to change our culture. We can make our voices heard, we can build a different world through compassion and co-operation, with each one of us being a shining light in the darkness. Let's make the Shift happen. Help to spread light and love this season - and have a wonderful celebratory time!
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